2024年5月3日 星期五


 今年的浴佛節活動,帶著期待心情參與. 幾天的忙碌下來, 並不疲憊. 只是感覺有些失望. 也許是自己看法與人不同所有的感覺. 

這幾年下來的參與, 也沒有近年感覺地強烈. 我有些失望原因是看到這幾年來的活動, 對於某些方面並在佛教社教來說, 這樣的活動, 給人對佛教的本意沒有傳遞. 表面上活動地吃喝玩樂, 只能給人短暫佛教對生活上暫時歡樂片面的訊息, 沒有給大眾佛教在各方面人類生活上影響的層面.

另外,對於主辦單位在義工和功德主的分別心太明顯, 尤其對於某個單位高層義工小部分人其驕慢心是大於大眾服務心態. 其服裝上的區別, 只是在顯示其身分與一般義工的不同. 可以意氣風發地去使喚普通義工去做事. 語言行為上離佛教徒修行的方向太遙遠, 還不及一般民眾對人應有的禮貌.

佛陀有八萬四千法門去度眾生, 這是針對終生根基不同. 也許, 佛陀顯示給我看到的是這個境界裡的人和事. 示顯的外面的環境有不同因緣眾生對環境不同的感受,有人著相與世俗分別的心態, 有人是默默的在修行對自己修為的考驗, 有人是希望得到福報. 有人是來建立人脈對現世工作有利益. 有人是來顯示身分象徵的. 有不同的感受, 也許. 世間是夢幻泡影,  佛陀是讓我看到我自己看不到的一面, 藉著情境來看到自身的修行上的不足. 這也應對了華嚴經上宇宙法則同一, 但個別還是相異. 各人因緣不同所受用的佛法程度有異. 所以對於活動上的事情, 也許有羞辱, 隔離, 不公, 一切都是給自身的覺照, 防範給別人有這樣的感受.

也許, 這就是我這次參加這個活動所得的啟示

This year's Bathing Buddha Festival event is to participate with anticipation. After a few busy days, it was not exhausting. Just feeling a little disappointed. Maybe it's all the feeling that I see differently from others. Over the past few years, participation has not been as strong as it has been in recent years. I was a little disappointed because I saw the activities of the past few years, for some aspects and in the Buddhist community, such activities did not convey the original meaning of Buddhism. Ostensibly, eating, drinking, and merrymaking can only give people a one-sided message about the temporary joy of life and do not give the level of influence of popular Buddhism in all aspects of human life. In addition, the distinction between volunteers and sponsors is too obvious for the organizers, especially for a small number of high-level volunteers in a certain unit, their arrogance is greater than the public service mentality. The difference in clothing only shows that their status is different from that of ordinary volunteers. They can aggressively ask ordinary volunteers to do things. The language and behaviour are too far away from the people who cultivate the Buddhist practice, and they are not as polite as the general public should be. 

The Buddha had 84,000 ways to save sentient beings, which differs from life's foundation. Perhaps what the Buddha showed me was the people and things in this realm. The external environment of manifestation has different causes and conditions for sentient beings to have different feelings about the environment, some people have a mentality of separating the appearance from the world, some people are silently practicing the test of their own cultivation, and some people hope to receive good fortune. Someone is here to build a network that is beneficial to the work of the world. Someone is here to show their premium organisation's status. There are different feelings, perhaps. The world is a dream, and the Buddha is for me to see the sides that I can't see, and to see my own shortcomings in my own practice through the situation. This also responds to the same cosmic law in the Huayan Sutra, but the individual is still different. Each person has different karma and has different degrees of application of the Dharma. So, for the event, maybe there is humiliation, isolation, and injustice; everything is a reflection of oneself to prevent others from feeling this way. Perhaps, this is what I learned from this event.

2024年4月24日 星期三

 人生是一連串幸運與不幸的組合. 在過程中,有的是路上的明燈,有些卻是路上 的絆腳石或是一些小蟲叮蛪, 讓你不會死去只是滿身膿瘡. 但只要目標明確,不管旅途艱辛,不確定, 堅持的繼續下去. 路上一定會有人指引和有所發現你總會到達目的地.

從國外回來, 心神疲憊, 很想到南天寺小住幾天剛好四月七日有清明法會, 就訂了房間, 約了朋友期待了兩星期終於 等到了前往的星期卻下了有 史以來的大雨, NSW和雪梨經歷了一場很大的雨災, 公路和 鐵路都癱瘓, 直到隔天--星期 .火車減班或停駛因為鐵軌淹水.   我和朋友, 幾經嘗試承搭城鐵都無法相約成功. 折騰了一個早上, 落得是個失望而回. 正當我們準備各自回家另謀去路時. 我們有些失望和不知所措我心中更有了那莫名的傷感, 算了吧一連串的不順, 也不差再來這一次雖然, 這只是件很小的事但我快淚盈滿眶,長久忍耐的淚水似乎要奪目而出. 我無奈地坐在路邊的一棵大樹下深深的吸了一口氣. 也許事情沒有那麼糟, 前路未明但還有路可行. 我又再次背起了行囊,向著火車站 到了火車站, 只見人山人海, 無奈的再等待遙遙無期的火車, 大家有些不耐煩.  雖然我也不清楚前路可行 我也加入行列耐心等待. 終於, 火車送我到轉站繼續我的目的地.   心中一直在說, 我要到Wollongong,  雖然, 往後的每一段旅程, 得到火車月台經理的指引, 但不確定的時間和路程, 沒有人可以告訴我可以在幾小時內可以到達目的地, 或是, 是否可以承搭公共交通繼續前往. 所幸所搭乘後來幾班車, 不用超時等待, 列車不擁擠就如專車為我而開. 這樣 , 穿插著火車, 公車 帶著我如一日遊著雪梨南海岸線,翻山越嶺, 谷底看到滿目篬痍淹水的民宅,厚厚的黃泥土痕跡還舖蓋在一些車輛上. 南岸鄉村的純樸, 沒有了城市喧嘩浮華的氣息, 看不到鎮內人民對淹水的怨恨的表情, 一切是如此平靜.

經過幾番轉折, 終於在下午四時半到達南天寺, 忘卻了飢腸轆轆 , 我放下心中的大石, 飛快步入滴水坊. 那怕只能吃到一口餅乾, 心是冲滿了喜悅但再次, 淚盈滿眶, 好不容易的一次到訪南天寺.

法會如願, 法喜充滿. 兩天住宿在南天寺得到心靈的洗滌, 暫時放下了煩惱. 但未來仍是前路襤褸難行, 不能解決的事情還是懸著. 回家當天, 計劃清早起來參加早課,聽著晨鐘, 徐徐步向大雄寶殿. 只見大殿侧門開著, 殿外遙望清晨群山, 霧氣有些瀰漫, 天空卻漸晴, 寧靜平和的氣氛. 晨鐘聲弘發人深省往前幾步到大鼓感受著大殿周圍的前景,忽然向前看,是一位莊嚴卻充滿歡喜可親 的師父, 恭敬的手奉著鼓棒迎面而來 , 這位師父覺瑋法師曾經用火焰化紅蓮” , “螞蟻窩的生活禪意傳遞佛法, 我留下深刻印象. 有幸也曾經與這位師父同行了一段路他的法眼, 只是短短交談, 已洞悉了我內心掙扎的盲點並給了可貴的指引.

我站在大雄寶殿外, 遙望群山起伏有如在人生路上的起落, 一山越過一山, 黑夜又到黎明無盡的循環. 剎時, 一聲沉穩的鼓聲, 打斷了我的思維,深深觸動了我內心引起了共鳴, 宛如告訴我前路不易但將不會是我獨自去往. 這次 在風雨後到南天寺掛單, 倘若我像往常一 , 駕駛轎車, 途中也許沒有那麼多的波折但似乎佛陀, 在這一程裡, 讓我決定了承搭公共交通車自雪梨到南天寺, 祂是要用這個旅程示現給我的啟示並讓我看到人生路上的縮影, 要觀照內心, 啟發潛在力量, 放下才能再重新出發.

我得到覺瑋師父的慈悲允許在大殿在離開前禮佛, (因為當天是寺放香日)  她又一次,法眼看穿了我的心用溫暖的話語鼓勵我。雖然是短短幾分鐘我再次淚盈滿眶五方佛前給我的慈悲及安住的訊息. 我也基於修身,齊家,治國,平天下的順序, 祈求佛陀給眾生一切平安幸福. 同時, 我也深信無論在哪裡佛與我常同在.

Life is a journey filled with a mix of fortune and misfortune. Some moments are like guiding lights, while others are stumbling blocks or small insect bites on the road, leaving us with abscesses. Yet, even in the face of such challenges, we can persevere if our goal remains clear. Someone will always guide us, and we will eventually reach our destination.

When I came back from abroad, I was tired and weary. I wanted to stay at Nantian Temple for a few days. It happened that there was also a Qingming Dhama on April 7, so I booked a room, companies with a friend, and looked forward to it for two weeks, and finally waited for the week to go, but NSW and Sydney experienced a storm disaster; the roads and railways were paralyzed, and until the next day-- Saturday, the trains were reduced or stopped because the tracks were flooded. After several attempts to meet and take the city railway, my friend and I could not. I tossed and turned in the morning, disappointed just as we were going home and planning another way. I am somewhat disappointed and overwhelmed.

I have that inexplicable sadness in my heart. "Forget it! A series of unpleasant things, not wonder, to have once more this time"!   Although it was only a tiny thing, I was already in tears, and the tears of long-suffering seemed to be about to burst out. I sat helplessly under a big tree on the side of the road and took a deep breath. Things may not be so bad; the road ahead is unclear, but there is still a way to go. I packed my bags again and headed towards the train station. When I arrived at the train station, I saw many people helplessly waiting for the train that was far away, and everyone was a little impatient. However, I am still determining what the way forward is. I'm also joining the queue and waiting patiently. Finally, the train took me to the transfer station to continue to my destination. I kept saying in my heart that I must go to Wollongong, although, for every part of the journey, I was guided by the train platform manager; the uncertain time and distance, no one could tell me how many hours I could get to my destination, or whether I could continue with public transportation. Fortunately, I took the following few trains, so I didn't have to wait overtime, and the train was not crowded, just like a special train for me. This way, interspersed with trains and buses, took me on a day trip to the south coastline of Sydney, over the mountains and mountains. At the bottom of the valley, I saw the devastated and flooded houses, and the thick traces of yellow soil were still covered on some vehicles. The simplicity of the countryside on the south coastline makes everything so calm without the noise and glitz of the city, without the resentful expressions of the townspeople against the flooding.

After a journey filled with twists and turns, I finally arrived at Nantian Temple at half past four. Despite my hunger, I felt a heavy burden lift from my heart as I entered the Dripping Restaurant. Even if all I could manage was a bite of biscuits, my heart was filled with joy. Tears welled up in my eyes again, but they were tears of relief and accomplishment this time. I had finally made it to Nantian Temple.

 The Qingming Dharma will come true, and the Dharma will be filled with joy. Although the two-day stay in Nantian Temple to calm the mind temporarily put aside the troubles, the road ahead is still ragged and challenging. On returning to the practicals of life, the things that cannot be solved are still hanging.

On the date of returning home, I plan to get up early to attend the morning class, listen to the morning bell, and slowly walk towards the Main Shrine (the Great Hero Hall). I saw that the side door was open, and the mountains in the early morning were seen outside the Main Shrine. The fog was somewhat filled, but the sky gradually cleared, and the atmosphere was quiet and peaceful. The sound of the morning bell is thought-provoking; a few steps forward to the drum to feel the foreground around the Main Shrine, looking forward at a solemn, joyful, and amiable master, respectfully holding the drumstick toward me. This Master, Venerable Jue Wei, once used "the flame to turn the red lotus" and "the life of the ant nest Zen" impressed me. I was fortunate enough to have walked with this Master for a while a long time ago, and her Dharma Eye, just a short conversation, had already penetrated the blind spots of my inner struggle and inspired me with valuable guidance. I stood outside the Main Shrine, watching the mountains rise and fall as if on life's journey, mountain after mountain, night and dawn, in an endless cycle. Suddenly, a calm and persevering drumbeat interrupted my thinking, deeply touching my heart and making me resonate as if telling me that the road ahead is not easy but will not be me alone. This time, after the storm, I went to Nantian Temple. If I had driven a car as usual, there would not have been so many twists and turns along the way. It seems that the Buddha this journey made me decide to take public transportation from Sydney to Nantian Temple; he wanted to use this journey to reveal the enlightenment to me and give me a microcosm of life's journey, to look at the heart, to inspire the potential strength, let go and then start again. I received Master Jue Wei's mercy, which allowed me to pray to the Buddha in the Main Shrine before leaving. Again, her Dharma Eye looked through to my heart and encouraged me with warm cheer-up words. Although it was only a few minutes, I burst into tears in front of the Buddha of the Five Directions, who gave me a message of compassion and peace. Based on the order of self-cultivation, family unity, governing the country, and levelling the world, I pray to the Buddha to give all sentient beings peace and happiness. Buddha is deeply in my mind, strengthening and making me go the right way.

2020年11月24日 星期二


 十一年了,不算短的日子, 多少的變遷,苦難與歡笑, 如人飲水,冷暖自知. 一切的是非恩怨, 將點下句點. 放下一切又有些困難,學著瀟洒轉身,並不是慘兮兮的累聚, 這就是人生, 當下, 就看你能從重中領略了多少? 現實的秤子,是無法衡量這一切的



直到今天仍然是這樣的想 ,告訴自己幸運的是老天在必要的時候,總是不會讓我失望。在這之前,祂是讓我學會了很多事情


2020年2月25日 星期二



年輕時,放棄亞洲經理人的職位,遠度他鄉。放棄了令人夢寐的職位,回流國土。 就因看不順眼公司的政治,放棄新的職位。看不到學校教育的良心,放棄了教地區的代表,毅然拂袖 離開僑教。一直就如此。 如今,別人窮得只剩下“錢”, 我卻是窮得只剩下書本。雖不是天文地理的廣,從國際經濟,生產管理,網際銷售,國際銷售,銷售管理,企業籌幄營運,數位管理,數位行銷,數位教學,佛教經典,佛教意理, 心理治療,致富,勵志,教學,音樂等。



人生 的意義是什麼?我看開始思考佛教說的福報和因果,但得不到完善的答的案,我問佛,他無語。看盡人間不平事,卻仍然獨善其身,不求非分之想和同流合污的群聚。水清則無魚,只能孤芳自源著去? 只是在想自己前生是否壞事做盡?所以今生要好盡所能去為別人創造而自己最後卻仍如此潦倒?我終於明白當年告數學老師為什么一直讓我們知道,他是算是石頭的科學家, 而當時面對我們的教科書,盡其量只不過是代數幾何的程度和一班乳臭未幹的懵懂少年。也難怪他鬱鬱終老。

很喜歡齊瓦哥醫生的音樂, 滄桑但沒放棄,知心人一起,最終仍越過很難關。 人生是如此,起起落落,過去了!

2020年2月17日 星期一


力拔山兮氣蓋世。時不利兮騅不逝。已經結束前段的工作快半年了, 這段日子雖然生活負擔不是燃眉之急。也嘗試尋覓下一份工作。 但始終不如人意。 心中有著不快之意。出生時候,媽媽曾經為卜掛,算命先生說這孩子是大地的露水,滋潤著大地眾生。能力系於眾輩之上,所處之事,不畏艱鉅,终有所成,為人正直熱誠,為上等品德之人。唯獨年輕坎坷,多遇不善,需獨排阻力,力求萬難,是大氣晚成之命。

年輕的狂妄,無視算命先生之言,雖然真的是生活工作中之不順 ,是頻繁狂風中度過。一波一波的越過。也許已身疲力盡,但始終還是得靠自己去撐。因為身旁真的無人能為你做什麼。


經歷過一些事,看透了一些人,正如命運一樣,大地的露水,滋潤著大地眾生。但自己卻一無所有。在現實中,那是那麼悲哀。誒!不用再說大氣晚成, 看來是一事無成,要找一份工作都不成。世有伯樂,然後有千里馬。有時候,就是差之毫釐,失之千里。佛教根據於個人福報和因果。耗盡萬斤力,只缺一東風。佛法無邊,也卻不能成,萬事真的不有時只需出現因緣,一道雨後彩虹,陽光才能遍照大地。
