今年的浴佛節活動,帶著期待心情參與. 幾天的忙碌下來, 並不疲憊. 只是感覺有些失望. 也許是自己看法與人不同所有的感覺.
這幾年下來的參與, 也沒有近年感覺地強烈. 我有些失望原因是看到這幾年來的活動, 對於某些方面並在佛教社教來說, 這樣的活動, 給人對佛教的本意沒有傳遞. 表面上活動地吃喝玩樂, 只能給人短暫佛教對生活上暫時歡樂片面的訊息, 沒有給大眾佛教在各方面人類生活上影響的層面.
另外,對於主辦單位在義工和功德主的分別心太明顯, 尤其對於某個單位高層義工小部分人其驕慢心是大於大眾服務心態. 其服裝上的區別, 只是在顯示其身分與一般義工的不同. 可以意氣風發地去使喚普通義工去做事. 語言行為上離佛教徒修行的方向太遙遠, 還不及一般民眾對人應有的禮貌.
佛陀有八萬四千法門去度眾生, 這是針對終生根基不同. 也許, 佛陀顯示給我看到的是這個境界裡的人和事. 示顯的外面的環境有不同因緣眾生對環境不同的感受,有人著相與世俗分別的心態, 有人是默默的在修行對自己修為的考驗, 有人是希望得到福報. 有人是來建立人脈對現世工作有利益. 有人是來顯示身分象徵的. 有不同的感受, 也許. 世間是夢幻泡影, 佛陀是讓我看到我自己看不到的一面, 藉著情境來看到自身的修行上的不足. 這也應對了華嚴經上宇宙法則同一, 但個別還是相異. 各人因緣不同所受用的佛法程度有異. 所以對於活動上的事情, 也許有羞辱, 隔離, 不公, 一切都是給自身的覺照, 防範給別人有這樣的感受.
也許, 這就是我這次參加這個活動所得的啟示
This year's Bathing Buddha Festival event is to participate with anticipation. After a few busy days, it was not exhausting. Just feeling a little disappointed. Maybe it's all the feeling that I see differently from others.
Over the past few years, participation has not been as strong as it has been in recent years. I was a little disappointed because I saw the activities of the past few years, for some aspects and in the Buddhist community, such activities did not convey the original meaning of Buddhism. Ostensibly, eating, drinking, and merrymaking can only give people a one-sided message about the temporary joy of life and do not give the level of influence of popular Buddhism in all aspects of human life.
In addition, the distinction between volunteers and sponsors is too obvious for the organizers, especially for a small number of high-level volunteers in a certain unit, their arrogance is greater than the public service mentality. The difference in clothing only shows that their status is different from that of ordinary volunteers. They can aggressively ask ordinary volunteers to do things. The language and behaviour are too far away from the people who cultivate the Buddhist practice, and they are not as polite as the general public should be.
The Buddha had 84,000 ways to save sentient beings, which differs from life's foundation. Perhaps what the Buddha showed me was the people and things in this realm. The external environment of manifestation has different causes and conditions for sentient beings to have different feelings about the environment, some people have a mentality of separating the appearance from the world, some people are silently practicing the test of their own cultivation, and some people hope to receive good fortune. Someone is here to build a network that is beneficial to the work of the world. Someone is here to show their premium organisation's status. There are different feelings, perhaps. The world is a dream, and the Buddha is for me to see the sides that I can't see, and to see my own shortcomings in my own practice through the situation. This also responds to the same cosmic law in the Huayan Sutra, but the individual is still different. Each person has different karma and has different degrees of application of the Dharma. So, for the event, maybe there is humiliation, isolation, and injustice; everything is a reflection of oneself to prevent others from feeling this way.
Perhaps, this is what I learned from this event.